Will insurance cover my homebirth?

Here are some questions for you to ask as you consider potential insurance approval.

  1. Does my plan exclude using a midwife? If the answer is "yes", your plan will not reimburse you.

  2. Does my plan exclude homebirths? If your plan excludes homebirths (even if they cover the use of a midwife in another setting), the plan will not reimburse you.

  3. Does you plan allow you to use providers that are not in-network? If yes, they usually reimburse at a lower rate than in-network providers.(SH midwifery is not an in-network provider with any insurance)

    If not, they will not pay for any services whatsoever rendered by the provider who is out of network. Your plan will not reimburse you for care by SH Midwifery

  4. So you've chatted with your insurance, asked the above questions and received your answer.... If there are NO exclusions for a midwife homebirth and the plan allows you to see providers outside of the network, we can bill your insurance plan. We will bill your insurance for the reimbursement of homebirth midwife care after the birth of your baby!

    If there ARE exclusions and your insurance will not reimburse for a midwife homebirth you will be paying out of pocket for your care. Let's talk about payment options and a way forward, together!

Who will be in attendance at my homebirth?

Myself (Amie), and 1-2 assistants will be in attendance at your homebirth.

How many visits are done in-office & at my home?

The time and place of visits throughout your pregnancy and postpartum seasons are as follows:

  • In my Normal, IL office every 4 weeks until 28 weeks then every 2 weeks from 28-36 weeks.

  • In your home at 36 weeks.

  • In your home for your birth and immediate postpartum.

  • 24-36 hours after your birth in your home to check in on you and baby.

  • 2-3 weeks after birth in your home.

  • 6 weeks after birth in my office.

Who cleans up after my homebirth?

This is a very common question especially for families birthing at home for the first time. My team and I tend to the cleaning of the birth space after birth. We will empty the birth tub, put linens in the laundry, tend to any supplies that need disposed of and generally tidy the space in which you gave birth in. We deeply honor the privilege of being invited into your home and make quick work of tidying your space after birth.